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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rand Capitalist of the Month Nominations

Each month we are featuring a capitalist who has best demonstrated the value of adhering to the morality of rational self-interest as well as the basic evil of altruism as set forth by Ayn Rand.

Please enter your nomination by clicking on comments below and provide the reasons for your nomination. Links to references will be helpful. Click on save when you are through.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grain Speculators are Captains of Capitalisim

These brave capitalists are seizing the Midwestern drought as an opportunity to make large profits by speculating with depositor's capital to drive up the price of corn and soybeans, thus affecting the entire food chain. A rise in consumer prices is, therefore, assured with subsequent profits for investors.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Your pension money buys the corporate vote. Thanks

The Supreme Court Citizens decision allows us to use your money to buy promotions to swing the election.

The truth is what corporations say it is.

Corporations fund the research, hire the experts, and control the media. Who is to prove us wrong?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Who or what is running this country? Be honest.

Why do you feel this way?

Corporation First for President.

Millions of dollars in political ads have made it clear that two terrible persons are running for president in 2012. The solution is clear ... elect Corporations First.

Only 30 lobbyists for every congressperson.

It takes a lot of pressure to influence all those representatives. Corporations should double the number.

Wake up ... The wealthy own the election ...

196 superwealthy people through their corporations - have given more than 80 percent of the Super PAC money spent in the presidential election.

Banks were too big to fail ... and now even larger.

Remember the days of the bail outs? It is going to get even better this time around.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Conservatives / Liberals fight while I rob the bank.

I love election time when voters fight, money flows, and no one pays any attention to the economy.

Corporate morality is simple. Profits are good, loses are evil.

I do whatever it takes to maximize my after tax profits including outsourcing jobs, automation, corporate esponage, tax avoidance, union busting, contamination, political manipulation, quality compromise, and advertising misrepresentation. 

Corporate profits are holy, loses are evil

Make as much profit after taxes as possible today without breaking the letter of the law ... that is how my corporate value is measured. Very simple. I take advantage of every opportunity to accomplish this and don't worry about who gets hurt in the process.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012

God must love corporations more than humans

How could human supreme court justices justify giving corporations the same rights under the constitution as human beings? Divine inspiration?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Avoiding Taxes is the Name of the Game

If you don't know the ins and outs of avoiding taxes, then you don't belong in business. That is the way the game is played.

Maximize profits and dividends by minimizing taxes and that means looking for every loophole in the tax law. If you can't find one, pay your legislator to create one. No problem.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Support Romney in Withholding Tax Info.

The current demand for full public disclosure of Romney tax returns holds a potential threat for every senior executive. It is important that certain compensation information as well as investment practices be kept confidential as long as they adhere to the letter of the law.  Failure to do so could open a Pandora box of misunderstandings and false charges.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Tea Party: Friend or Foe?

Our Corporations First representatives to the tea party movement have become increasingly concerned with changes in that organization that are contrary to the best interests of large corporations and their senior executives.

The validity of our concerns is evidenced by the recent overwhelming California vote (senate 24 to 7) to take a stand against Citizens United which gives us unlimited power to spend on Federal and State elections. Although it is not mentioned in the press, our review of internal documents suggests that BOTH the California Tea Party and Occupy movements through their spin offs were instrumental in our defeat.

What is happening here?  Comments please.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tobacco Defeats Cancer

Our June 2012 executive of the month award goes to Daniel Delen, CEO of Reynolds American, for his striking victory over the American Cancer Society in the California Elections. His courageous $47 million ad blitz at the last minute to confuse the issue averted a potential revenue loss to the tobacco industry of $475 million a year which would have otherwise been spent in preventing tobacco use and curing cancer.

A loss in California could well have encouraged other states to also increase cigarette taxes and thereby discourage millions of young people from taking up this recreation. Congratulations Daniel, you put your corporation first and thereby protected the interests of your stockholders and senior executives.